General dentistry encompasses a wide variety of services that we offer to our patients ranging from routine cleanings, custom crowns to dentures. Below is a list and description of some our most common services.

Comprehensive/Routine Exams
On your initial visit to our office, a comprehensive evaluation will be completed, which includes intraoral assessment, periodontal probing, x-rays to evaluate anterior (front) and posterior (back) teeth and a determination of the type of cleaning that best fits your individual needs. As the comprehensive exam allows the dentists to set a baseline health assessment, we will also review previous medical and medication history to access how they affect your oral health.

Preventive Dentistry
At Wah Family Dentistry, we like to stress preventive dentistry to our patients of all ages. Providing individual preventive measures to each patient's needs helps to maintain good oral health. The main goal of preventive dentistry is to maintain the health of our patient's smile and prevent damage caused by cavities and gum disease.

Custom Crowns and Bridges
A crown (or cap) is a material that covers the tooth. Bridges are a treatment option that bridges the gap caused by a missing tooth. Custom crowns and bridges are made to restore function and esthetics to the teeth for various reasons including large fillings that can not be replaced, following root canal treatment, replace broken parts of teeth or covering an implant restoration. These are custom-made to fit the shape of your tooth and match the color of your smile. 

Emergency Visits
We understand that dental emergencies happen. When a dental emergency occurs, we encourage our patients to contact us as soon as possible.